kolrabi's another Image Library  1.11.0
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Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
oImage LibraryLoading, saving and converting images
||oError Codes
||oBit IdentifiersFor use with ilPushAttrib()
||oImage Library Image Data TypesDefines the underlying data type of each pixel
||oImage Library Image Colour Formats.Defines the the format in which colours are stored
||oString IdentifiersFor use with ilGetString() / ilSetString()
||oSupported Image File FormatsConstants for each file format
||\Image Meta DataDefines metadata values
|| oExposure ProgramsDefines values for the IL_META_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM meta data
|| oMetering ModeDefines values for the IL_META_METERING_MODE meta data
|| oLight SourcesDefines values for the IL_META_LIGHT_SOURCE meta data
|| \Flash ModeDefines bit flags for the IL_META_FLASH meta data
|oData TypesTypes used by the API
|oGlobal StateGeneral state and settings
|oInitialization / DeinitalizationSetting up the IL
|oImage ManagementCreating, deleting, copying, selecting images
|oImage Meta DataData that further describe images
|oImage ManipulationPerform operations on images
|oImage Data HandlingOperations on image data
|oImage File OperationsLoading, saving, determining type of image files
|\User Defined Image TypesRegistering and unregistering loaders/savers for user defined image types
oUseful macros
oImage Library UtilitiesImage manipulation utilities beyond just loading and saving
|oInitialization / Deinitalization
|oImage FiltersApplying convolution matrices to images
|oImage ColoursColour corrections
|oImage GeometrySimple image transformations
|\Global Parameters and Configurations.
\Image Library Utility Toolkit
 oDirectX 8 FunctionalityContains all functions to convert/copy image data from the IL to Direct3D textures and back
 oDirectX 9 FunctionalityContains all functions to convert/copy image data from the IL to Direct3D 9 textures and back
 oOpenGL FunctionalityContains all functions to convert/copy image data from the IL to OpenGL textures and back
 \ILUT State