kolrabi's another Image Library  1.11.0
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ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilutDisable (ILenum Mode)
 Disable a state. More...
ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilutEnable (ILenum Mode)
 Enable a state. More...
ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilutGetBoolean (ILenum Mode)
 Get a state and return it.
void ILAPIENTRY ilutGetBooleanv (ILenum Mode, ILboolean *Param)
 Get a state and store it in the supplied variable.
ILint ILAPIENTRY ilutGetInteger (ILenum Mode)
 Returns the current value of the Mode. More...
void ILAPIENTRY ilutGetIntegerv (ILenum Mode, ILint *Param)
 Get the value of a mode and store it in a variable. More...
ILconst_string ILAPIENTRY ilutGetString (ILenum StringName)
 Get a string about the ILUT state. More...
ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilutIsDisabled (ILenum Mode)
 Check whether a state is disabled.
ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilutIsEnabled (ILenum Mode)
 Check whether a state is enabled.
void ILAPIENTRY ilutPopAttrib ()
 Pops the last pushed stack entry off the stack and copies the bits specified when pushed by ilutPushAttrib to the previous set of states.
void ILAPIENTRY ilutPushAttrib (ILuint Bits)
 Pushes a new set of modes and attributes onto the state stack.
ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilutRenderer (ILenum Renderer)
 Initializes one specific ILUT renderer. More...
void ILAPIENTRY ilutSetInteger (ILenum Mode, ILint Param)
 Set the value of a mode. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilutDisable ( ILenum  Mode)

Disable a state.

See Also
ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilutEnable ( ILenum  Mode)

Enable a state.

Valid Modes are:

Mode R/W Default Description
ILUT_OPENGL_CONV RW IL_FALSE Use GL_RGB8 and GL_RGBA8 instead of GL_RGB and GL_RGBA, respectively.
ILUT_GL_USE_S3TC RW IL_FALSE Use S3 texture compression.
ILUT_GL_GEN_S3TC RW IL_FALSE Generate S3 texture compression data.
ILUT_GL_AUTODETECT_TEXTURE_TARGET RW IL_FALSE Automatically use cube map targets when converting image with cube faces.
ILint ILAPIENTRY ilutGetInteger ( ILenum  Mode)

Returns the current value of the Mode.

Valid Modes are:

Mode R/W Default Description
ILUT_VERSION_NUM R ILUT_VERSION The version of the image library utility toolkit.
ILUT_MAXTEX_WIDTH R Depends Maximum supported texture width. (OpenGL)
ILUT_MAXTEX_HEIGHT R Depends Maximum supported texture height. (OpenGL)
ILUT_MAXTEX_DEPTH R Depends Maximum supported texture depth. (OpenGL)
ILUT_OPENGL_CONV RW IL_FALSE Use GL_RGB8 and GL_RGBA8 instead of GL_RGB and GL_RGBA, respectively.
ILUT_GL_USE_S3TC RW IL_FALSE Use S3 texture compression.
ILUT_GL_GEN_S3TC RW IL_FALSE Generate S3 texture compression data.
ILUT_S3TC_FORMAT RW 0 Texture compression format to use.
ILUT_GL_AUTODETECT_TEXTURE_TARGET RW IL_FALSE Automatically use cube map targets when converting image with cube faces.
ILUT_D3D_MIPLEVELS RW 0 Number of mip map levels to generate.
ILUT_D3D_ALPHA_KEY_COLOR RW -1 Alpha key pixel value (ABGR?).
ILUT_FORCE_INTEGER_FORMAT RW IL_FALSE Convert float pixel format images to integer pixel format.
void ILAPIENTRY ilutGetIntegerv ( ILenum  Mode,
ILint *  Param 

Get the value of a mode and store it in a variable.

See Also
ILconst_string ILAPIENTRY ilutGetString ( ILenum  StringName)

Get a string about the ILUT state.

StringNameString to get. (ILUT_VENDOR, ILUT_VERSION_NUM)
ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilutRenderer ( ILenum  Renderer)

Initializes one specific ILUT renderer.

ilInit() must have been called before.

See Also
void ILAPIENTRY ilutSetInteger ( ILenum  Mode,
ILint  Param 

Set the value of a mode.

See Also